Creation takes time. Time is limited.

Business Insider Interviews Richard Garriott

Business Insider Interviews Richard Garriott

Business Insider also landed an interview with Richard Garriott recently, in which he discusses pretty much everything about where he came from, what he has achieved, and what he has in store for us.

Richard Garriott: "What is a Lord British 'Ultimate' Role Playing Game?"

Richard Garriott: "What is a Lord British 'Ultimate' Role Playing Game?"

Richard Garriott asks what his ultimate RPG might look like, and in a lengthy essay answers the question. You can probably guess that the answer involves a mixture of where he’s gone before (with Ultima) and where he’s at now (the casual gaming space). But have a read even so!

Ian Frazier Talks About Reckoning

Ian Frazier Talks About Reckoning

Ian “Tiberius” Frazier, former lead of Team Lazarus and currently the lead designer for Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, gave RPG Codex an exclusive interview…in which he says some very promising-sounding things about the upcoming RPG from Big Huge Games.

A Site Visitor's Success Story

A Site Visitor's Success Story

About a year ago, someone came to the site looking for a position as an Ultima Online GM. Nearly a year later, let’s check in and see how that worked out for her.

My Reckoning Destiny Cards Arrived!

My Reckoning Destiny Cards Arrived!

I won a draw on the Reckoning Forums to receive a set of three Destiny Cards, the same set that was evidently being given away by Big Huge Games at E3. Naturally, I shot a few pictures as I opened them.

Classic Ultima Online: Wouldst Thou Like To Buy Or Sell?

Classic Ultima Online: Wouldst Thou Like To Buy Or Sell?

Shattered Moon has made a few improvements to Classic Ultima Online, his multiplayer game made in the style of Ultima 4. Notably, he has implemented Ultima-like merchants in the game, and has made a few UI changes as well.