Buy A Copy of Ultima 6 (FM-Towns Version) For Just $160!
Someone is selling the FM-Towns version of Ultima 6 on the Japanese portal of Yahoo! Auctions. It can be yours for the low, low price of 12,000 yen!
Someone is selling the FM-Towns version of Ultima 6 on the Japanese portal of Yahoo! Auctions. It can be yours for the low, low price of 12,000 yen!
Kevin Fishburne has posted progress reports for December of last year and January of this year, detailing several improvements and new features that have been made or added to his Ultima-inspired online RPG, Sanctimonia.
The weekly round-up of news related to Piranha Bytes and their two excellent (and Ultima-inspired) RPG series, Gothic and Risen.
Noah “Spoony” Antwiler returns to his Ultima retrospective with a scathing review of Ultima 8.
Fearyourself has continued his excellent pace of progress in implementing features from Ultima 5 in his Ultima-inspired game engine, Back to Roots.
Sergorn Dragon posed an interesting question on Twitter last night, which I am now repeating here for further commentary by the Ultima fan community.
Good Old Games has released another Looking Glass Studios classic, the stealth-focused Thief.
Clan, if you’re reading this, check your email. (The one you used to register your user account here.)
The weekly round-up of news about BioWare, their various sub-studios, and the various RPG titles and series that they have produced or are working on.
Deckard has resumed posting content at his site, UO Journal, with a pair of articles looking at the state of UO — its community and its future — in 2012.