Creation takes time. Time is limited.

BioWare Mondays

BioWare Mondays

The weekly round-up of news about BioWare, their various sub-studios, and the various RPG titles and series that they have produced or are working on.

UO Journal Resumes!

UO Journal Resumes!

Deckard has resumed posting content at his site, UO Journal, with a pair of articles looking at the state of UO — its community and its future — in 2012.

Obsidian Fridays

Obsidian Fridays

The weekly round-up of news pertaining to Obsidian Entertainment and their various RPGs.

Bethesda Thursdays

Bethesda Thursdays

The weekly round-up of news related to Bethesda Softworks and their excellent RPG series, The Elder Scrolls.

Big Huge Wednesdays

Big Huge Wednesdays

The weekly round-up of news related to 38 Studios/Big Huge Games and their upcoming open-world RPG, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.