Creation takes time. Time is limited.
Raph Koster: Ultima Online is Fifteen, the Grand Experiment
Just go read Raph Koster’s Website. In my view, it will be the best tribute and article about UO’s 15th Anniversary that you will read.
BioWare Mondays
The weekly round-up of news about BioWare, their various sub-studios, and the various RPG titles and series that they have produced or are working on.
Ultima Forever: Interview with Jeff Skalski at VG247
VG24/7 interviewed Ultima franchise producer Jeff Skalski about Ultima Forever. See what he had to say!
The Ultima Codex Presents an Interview With The Ultima 6 Project (Updated!)
The team from The Ultima 6 Project take some time out of their busy schedule to tell us about their project. (Update: Contributions from Alfie)
The Origin Gallery:’s Ultima 9 Screenshot Collection
New at the Origin Gallery: screenshots from’s Ultima 9 page, circa approximately 1998.
Obsidian Fridays
The weekly round-up of news pertaining to Obsidian Entertainment and their various RPGs. Or, well…really just Project Eternity.
Bethesda Thursdays
The weekly round-up of news related to Bethesda Game Studios and their excellent RPG series, The Elder Scrolls. And any other titles they might be working on.
Six More Origin Systems Covers
Six more high quality cover scans from Origin Systems, featuring Ultima: Exodus, Ring Quest, Autoduel, and more!