The Great ‘Which Universe Would I Rather Inhabit’ Tournament
Blogger Bertass attempts to answer a most important question with a playoff-style tournament.
Blogger Bertass attempts to answer a most important question with a playoff-style tournament.’s Essential 100 list ranks Ultima 4 as the 31st most important game of all time. It’s…not as bad as it sounds.
A few Ultima games merit mention on IGN’s list of the top 100 RPGs of all time. None of them crack the top ten, though.
Big news from Obsidian today! How fortunate that it happens to be their day in the cycle of news round-ups!
It’s travel time for me again. Any Ultima fans where I’m going?
The weekly round-up of news related to Bethesda Game Studios and their excellent RPG series, The Elder Scrolls. And any other titles they might be working on.
Gamezebo has published what might just be the first review of Richard Garriott and Portalarium’s Ultimate Collector: Garage Sale.
There’s less than 24 hours left to chip in (and pre-order) Stephen Emond’s next book, Ultima Online: The Ultimate Collector’s Guide.
So, remembebr last week how there wasn’t any 38 Studios-related news? Yeah, not so much, this time around.