The Shroud of the Avatar Team Has Added Another Technical Artist/Programmer
Another artist has joined the Shroud of the Avatar team.
Another artist has joined the Shroud of the Avatar team.
An article from a 2010 issue of FTF Geocacher, in which the Necropolis of Richard Garriott’s Britannia Manor III is explored.
Goldenflame Dragon took it upon himself to clean up and update the project entries at the Ultima Codex.
Joseph Drasin’s Shroud of the Avatar-inspired LEGO creations can now be found at
The Nuvie team are hard at work adding support for both Savage Empire and Martian Dreams to the engine.
The Kickstarter-based crowdfunding campaign for Citadel Studios’ Ultima Online-inspired MMORPG, Shards Online, has gone live.
Shroud of the Avatar – Upcoming May 13th Stream @ 5:30 PM CDT – Truth, Love, & Courage & State of the Realm
Portalarium released another piece of the map of Novia last week, which revealed a lot of information about an island off the south-western coast of that continent, the setting of the first Shroud of the Avatar game.
In correcting an assertion made about Ultima 5 on TVTropes, Richard Garriott cleared up several long-standing questions about Ultima lore.
Slashie has finished both his direct port of Richard Garriott’s D&D #1 (for the related Shroud of the Avatar contest), as well as his upgraded remake thereof.