New Project: Britannian Underworld
An action RPG made with a custom raycasting engine that sees players exploring the eight Britannian Anti-Virtue dungeons, and eventually the Stygian Abyss as well.
An action RPG made with a custom raycasting engine that sees players exploring the eight Britannian Anti-Virtue dungeons, and eventually the Stygian Abyss as well.
Time Machine Dragon has been thinking about the future of xu4 and whether the project should continue to be worked on.
Companion (frater) monsters in Ananias can now be buffed via the use of magic necklaces.
BioWare’s studio head boasted that Dragon Age: Inquisition could take a very long time to complete. Because exploration.
OtherSide Entertainment have teased, on their Facebook page, that they will soon be releasing concept art for Underworld Ascension.
Bonnie Armstrong has published a new Producer Letter on the Ultima Online website.