Updated: Ultima 1-5 Savegame Editor
Xenerkes Dragon’s utility for modifying savegame files from the early Ultimas has had a needed DLL file added to it, and a Wineskin-wrapped version for OS X users is now available.
Xenerkes Dragon’s utility for modifying savegame files from the early Ultimas has had a needed DLL file added to it, and a Wineskin-wrapped version for OS X users is now available.
Zeph has made what may be the last update to his Ultima-themed texture pack for Minecraft, and it’s a doozy.
In a brief update to their website, the Titans of Ether express curiosity about what Lord British will be presenting tomorrow.
In a lengthy round-up post, Zygon Dragon brings us lots of news from the Exult-based attempt to remake Ultima 6.
The Real Texas, a quirky indie game that draws some inspiration from Ultima 6, is on sale at GOG.
Iceblade has posted a short update to the Forgotten World website, bringing news of the editor the team are working on.
The Titans of Ether have uploaded a musical sample from their composer.