Category: Ultima Fan Projects
Tibby Does Montreal: Ian Frazier Joins the Mass Effect Team (Updated)
Ian Frazier, former lead designer of Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning and the head of Team Lazarus, has landed a new job at BioWare Montreal.
The Digital Lycaeum: Heightmap of Britannia (Updated!)
A high-detail heightmap of Britannia, useful for importing into 3D engines as terrain.
The Savage Empire Remake: Sprite Dimensions and Palette
Scythifuge is toying with the idea of straying from the standard Ultima 7 palette in his future sprite editing.
EUO: Balancing the Races
EUO’s developers have done some balancing work on the various races featured in the game.
The Savage Empire Remake: The Barrab are Cold
Scythifuge wants to unleash the full power of the Exult engine in his remake of Savage Empire. By which I mean: cold zones.
Updated Ultima 6 Project Maps Available
The maps for the Ultima 6 Project, in both English and French, have been updated.
Someone is Re-Making Ultima Underworld using Delver (Updated!)
Some inspired soul has evidently decided to re-make Ultima Underworld using Delver, a Minecraft-like first-person RPG.
Ultima Return: Panu Aaltio Wins an IFMCA Award
Panu “Grotto Dragon” Aaltio, has been recognized by the International Film Music Critics Association for his work on Metsän Tarina.
The Savage Empire Remake: Jaguar Knights
Scythifuge has posted a sample of the art for the Jaguar Knights, which will feature in his remake of Savage Empire.
In Which I Visit Mythic and Meet With Tibby
I had the opportunity to visit Mythic Entertainment’s studio in Virginia, and to catch up with Ian “Tiberius” Frazier in Baltimore, over the weekend.