The Ultima 6 Nitpicker’s Patch: Help Proofread the Quenton Murder Quest
Sir John needs some help proofreading the quest line for solving Quenton’s murder that he has devised.
Sir John needs some help proofreading the quest line for solving Quenton’s murder that he has devised.
A remake of Ultima 7, as a first-person RPG, using the Unity engine.
Goldenflame Dragon has implemented a few new features in The Dark Unknown.
If nothing else, you can check out what an HTC Vive looks like with movement trackers attached.
Dino the Dark Dragon informs us that he is once again working on Ultima 1 Revenge.
Fregas Baratis has added monster spawns and rudimentary player, monster, and NPC stats to his Ultima-inspired project.
The Age of Ultimacraft team have re-created Lord Blackthorn’s Castle on their Ultima-themed Minecraft server.
Neocron Dragon has plans to expand uUltima beyond support for Ultima 1.
CakeForge has created some neat paper figurines — literal paper dolls — based on characters from Ultima.
Save vs. Dragon has nearly finished re-creating the map for Ultima Online in Minecraft.