The Ultima 3 Upgrade: Version 3.3 Released
Version 3.3 of the Ultima 3 Upgrade includes Sosaria Mod; play the story of Ultima 3 on the Lands of Lord British (from Ultima 1)!
Version 3.3 of the Ultima 3 Upgrade includes Sosaria Mod; play the story of Ultima 3 on the Lands of Lord British (from Ultima 1)!
Hank Morgan has released an update for this utility, which exports game data from Ultima Underworld into Unity…resulting in a fully playable version of the game using said engine.
Mighty Owlbear has created an online version of Ultima’s Test of Virtues.
Matti Paalanen has released the music he composed for the now-cancelled Ultima IX: Redemption on Spotify.
Save vs. Dragon found a bit more time to play Ultima 6 with his son, and also made some updates to his re-creation of Britannia in Minecraft.
This is something of a mystery episode, but the discussion at least starts out focusing on board games, and attempts to adapt Ultima as one.
This previous year was a veritable cornucopia of fan projects both large and small. With so many fan projects, it is hard to keep up with what each project did this year and if...
Rumours have been circulating that Microsoft might be looking at buying up EA. Or Valve. Or the PUBG developers.
Goldenflame Dragon has, as always, been improving and adding to The Dark Unknown.
ChicagoWiz is hosting, using Roll20 and Discord, tabletop gaming sessions with an Ultima theme, using his Siege Perilous RPG framework.