Which Notable Ultima Artworks Wouldst Thou Like to See Vectorized?
Golem Dragon is taking requests as to which piece of Ultima artwork he should vectorize next.
Golem Dragon is taking requests as to which piece of Ultima artwork he should vectorize next.
Celebrate the Ultima Dragons’ 25th year! How many online clubs have lasted that long?
Dino the Dark Dragon has built an interactive Ultima 4 dialogue page. Talk to nearly every NPC in the game right in your browser!
Dino the Dark Dragon has overhauled and improved his Ultima Web Database.
Andrew Owen posted a video showcasing some sample title screens for U3.5: Pax Britannia.
Dino the Dark Dragon has updated his old Ultima 1 guide. Check out his new Complete Guide to Ultima 1: The First Age of Darkness.
In a short update to the Hearth of Britannia Facebook page, Rustic Dragon announced the possible venue for a future HoBLotH event.
In which we look at the various Ultima fan projects that have been active, even if only briefly, in 2013, and note the progress that these have made.
Noah “Spoony” Antwiler finishes interviewing — or roasting, depending on how you look at it — Richard Garriott. There’s also a second video that takes a look at the creation of Akalabeth’s artwork.
There are a couple of Ultima-related sales on eBay that fans of the series may wish to avail themselves of.