Ultima Dragons Internet Chapter: Twenty Years and Still Going
The Ultima Dragons Internet Chapter was founded two decades ago.
The Ultima Dragons Internet Chapter was founded two decades ago.
Linguistic Dragon has been beset by all manner of real-life events over the last few months, and as such hasn’t had much time to continue blogging his journey through the Ultima games. However, earlier...
The Ultima Dragons Facebook group continues to add members, and now comprises over 800 Dragons. Hast thou joined yet?
Back at the end of June, during the course of E3, Greg Kasavin and Felicia Day (Ultima Dragons both) interviewed Richard Garriott.
Linguistic Dragon has begun playing through Ultima 2, in his ongoing journey through the Ultima series.
When EA put together the Origin Store page for Ultima 9, the box art they selected turned out to be a fan-made work.
Rustic Dragon has begun selling off his Ultima collection, beginning with some choice signed-by-Richard Garriott copies of Ultima 1 and Ultima 2.
Rustic Dragon has delivered an update about the much-overdue Telethon of the Avatar prizes.
Linguistic Dragon has resumed updating his Ultima Journeys blog, which chronicles his playthroughs of games in the Ultima series.
Slashland has posted a few updates to the Indiegogo campaign page for his mobile roguelike, Ananias. There’s even some sample art