Tyranny Director Brian Heins Also Worked on Ultima X: Odyssey
Brian Heins, the game director for Obsidian Entertainment’s newly-released Tyranny, previously worked on Ultima X: Odyssey.
Brian Heins, the game director for Obsidian Entertainment’s newly-released Tyranny, previously worked on Ultima X: Odyssey.
Goldenflame Dragon has been working on targeting (a combat feature) in The Dark Unknown again.
StitchFusion has created a lovely keychain based off of the Avatar from Ultima 5.
The latest version of Ananias adds two-handed weapons, larger rooms, player animations, and more!
Why yes, GOG have kicked off yet another sale. Because of course they have.
If you’ve been wondering how to redeem your key for the The Exiled alpha test, here’s how.
Goldenflame Dragon has made some changes to how targeting works in The Dark Unknown:
Fairytale Distillery have given the Ultima Codex a batch of keys for the upcoming alpha test of The Exiled.
Gallara Dragon joins us to discuss the latest news about the Ultima Dragons 25th anniversary bash. And then a bunch of us disucss random things.