For The King: Released; Currently On Sale
IronOak Games’ inaugural title, For The King, has been released. And it’s currently on sale for 20% off!
IronOak Games’ inaugural title, For The King, has been released. And it’s currently on sale for 20% off!
Rayhouse Productions’ Suomi RPG is a spoof of the Ultima games, with a bit of a Finnish twist to it.
Baruch Dragon has a collection of assorted Ultima trinkets up for sale on eBay.
Slashing Dragon’s Ananias has been enjoying modest success.
Linguistic Dragon looks back on the big party that took place a bit over a year ago.
Cran Gallara is giving away a bunch of swag from the Ultima Dragons 25th Anniversary bash.
WtF Dragon sits down with his eldest daughter for a roughly half-hour introduction to Ultima 6.
The Ultima 6 Remake for Exult is still being worked on. The development team have been focusing on the Gargish lands lately.
A bit of comparison between the NPCs of Ultima 6 and those of Ultima 7.