Inspired by Ultima: Epica Rex (Update: Now on Indiegogo!)
Survive, Build and Adventure in this retro-styled isometric 2D RPG inspired by the likes of Ultima and Minecraft!
Survive, Build and Adventure in this retro-styled isometric 2D RPG inspired by the likes of Ultima and Minecraft!
The Exult team are looking for someone with a bit of programming savvy to help them with the in-game notebook.
Various members of the GOG community have whipped up a bunch of DVD case covers for the various Ultima offerings at GOG.
Because there’s been relatively little in the way of Ultima Forever news of late, I decided to whip up a new batch of Ultima Forever wallpapers.
Kevin Fishburne has posted a video illustrating the tedium of preparing a font for use in a game.
The Real Texas, an apparently Ultima-inspired retro-themed 3D RPG, is available on GOG now.
Goldenflame Dragon has stamped out an issue with light sources in his Ultima-inspired game, The Dark Unknown, that had previously been plaguing him.
Cear Dragon has built a neat little set of Java utilities that can translate between English and Gargish.
I failed to notice that Ian Albert had updated his implementation of the Ultima 6 map in Minecraft earlier this year.
The Digital Antiquarian has had a bit to say about Ultima since last we checked in with him.