The Savage Empire Remake: Sprite Dimensions and Palette
Scythifuge is toying with the idea of straying from the standard Ultima 7 palette in his future sprite editing.
Scythifuge is toying with the idea of straying from the standard Ultima 7 palette in his future sprite editing.
EUO’s developers have done some balancing work on the various races featured in the game.
Scythifuge wants to unleash the full power of the Exult engine in his remake of Savage Empire. By which I mean: cold zones.
Browncoat Jayson, at The Digital Lycaeum, has posted the first articles in a new series examining the idea of canon.
Video from a preview DVD for Ultima X: Odyssey. This chapter of the DVD, really just an “extra content” piece, showcases over half an hour of gameplay.
The maps for the Ultima 6 Project, in both English and French, have been updated.
Some inspired soul has evidently decided to re-make Ultima Underworld using Delver, a Minecraft-like first-person RPG.
Panu “Grotto Dragon” Aaltio, has been recognized by the International Film Music Critics Association for his work on Metsän Tarina.
The hard work at the Codex of Ultima Wisdom continues, with over 70,000 edits and 2,000,000 page views since moving to its new home.
Pix obtained a copy of Ultima 4 for NES, played it through, and collected his thoughts into a handful of posts.