Sanctimonia: Depth Testing and Persistent World Objects
Kevin Fishburne has begun adding persistent world object blocks to his Ultima-insipred, PvE MMORPG, Sanctimonia. Depth testing is also being implemented.
Kevin Fishburne has begun adding persistent world object blocks to his Ultima-insipred, PvE MMORPG, Sanctimonia. Depth testing is also being implemented.
David Youd picked up a “DIY Music Box” from ThinkGeek, and had some fun putting together the theme from Ultima 3 with it.
Slashing Dragon has updated the #LRUMP website with images of Mars, Trinsic, and Despise.
In case you weren’t already aware, Rustic Dragon’s “Hearth of Britannia” project aims to re-create the tastes of Britannia.
Eutopia (formerly EUO) has seen a few significant updates in recent weeks.
Holt Ironfell has turned his remix of Stones into a chance for you — yes, you! — to win a house in Shroud of the Avatar.
What happens when someone who works for a GIS software company decides to model Britannia in some pro-grade geographical software? Only good things.
Phillip Zibilich has created a massive map of what he calls Sosaria (Britannia, really) in Minecraft.
In which we take a look at a bunch of games, including one with a number of Ultima 7 homages.