Hearth of Britannia: HoBLotH II Announced
Rustic Dragon has announced that HoBLotH II will take place in Austin, Texas, on November 15th and 16th.
Rustic Dragon has announced that HoBLotH II will take place in Austin, Texas, on November 15th and 16th.
Rustic Dragon will either announce the occurrence, or the cancellation, of the second Lords of the Hearth event on September 15th.
Rustic Dragon is surveying the opinions of the Ultima fandom in order to determine the future course of the Hearth of Britannia. Lend him but five minutes of your time?
Rustic Dragon has initiated a countdown, according to the Hearth of Britannia Facebook page. To what, though?
Rustic Dragon has delivered an update about the much-overdue Telethon of the Avatar prizes.
Joseph Drasin’s Shroud of the Avatar-inspired LEGO creations can now be found at SotABlocks.com.
Slashie has finished both his direct port of Richard Garriott’s D&D #1 (for the related Shroud of the Avatar contest), as well as his upgraded remake thereof.
The Mad Hermit has released a web-based Unity project that allows you to explore some of the player houses in Shroud of the Avatar.
Santiago Zapata has done some bugfixing on his implementation of Richard Garriott’s D&D #1 for the Shroud of the Avatar contest. And he has announced his intent to remake the game entirely!
Slashing Dragon’s attempt to port Richard Garriott’s D&D1 game, per the recently-issued challenge.