Richard Garriott to Attend Hearth of Britannia’s Telethon of the Avatar
Richard Garriott has been announced as a guest for the Hearth of Britannia’s Telethon of the Avatar!
Richard Garriott has been announced as a guest for the Hearth of Britannia’s Telethon of the Avatar!
Rustic Dragon would like to take advantage of the YouTube Live feature for future Dragonsmeets, and asks that you subscribe to his YouTube channel to help enable this.
Rustic Dragon continues having fun with the table graphic on the Hearth of Britannia website.
Portalarium 3D artist Isaac Oster will be the star of tomorrow’s Pen of the Avatar Google+ Hangout.
Rustic Dragon can’t wait to give out prizes for the Hearth of Britannia’s Telethon of the Avatar, so he’s offering them for those who pledge to Shroud of the Avatar between now and the 24th of August as well.
Rustic Dragon has announced the Telethon of the Avatar, a drive to raise $1 million for Shroud of the Avatar in 24 hours, beginning on August 24th.
Browncoat Jayson has summarzied the recent Hangout and Pen of the Avatar Google+ sessions at The Digital Lycaeum. And Portalarium have released a work-in-progress video of the female Avatar model.
Rustic Dragon has updated the Hearth of Britannia website and Facebook event page with ever-so-subtle shifts to their respective graphics.
Portalarium have released a second Unity asset kit for Shroud of the Avatar backers, this time focusing on placeable assets to decorate dungeons with.
Nine years ago, the first version of Ultima Aiera launched. Today, the Ultima Codex continues in its footsteps.