Help Santiago Zapata Beta Test His D&D1 Contest Entry for Shroud of the Avatar
Slashing Dragon’s attempt to port Richard Garriott’s D&D1 game, per the recently-issued challenge.
Slashing Dragon’s attempt to port Richard Garriott’s D&D1 game, per the recently-issued challenge.
Rustic Dragon has announced the time and date of the next Hearth of Britannia Dragonsmeet. As well, he posted a screenshot of the Hearth as it will appear in Shroud of the Avatar.
Richard Garriott and Starr Long have posted their impressions of Shroud of the Avatar’s fifth pre-alpha release. Long also hinted that the game might end up being delayed.
Shroud of the Avatar is the focus of the most recent installment of Greg Dean’s Real Life Comics.
Shroud of the Avatar – Update of the Avatar #70 – 2014.04.25: Play R5 Now, Mad Hermit’s R5 Video, Founder Emotes, Referral Rottweiler, BotA, and More!
Joseph Drasin has re-created, in micro scale using LEGO, the upper portion of Owl’s Head, a town in Shroud of the Avatar.
Portalarium has brought a contract 3D animator, Brandon Lackey, on board to work on Shroud of the Avatar.
Starr Long as posted the instructions and notes for Shroud of the Avatar’s upcoming pre-alpha Release 5, which begins tomorrow.
LEGO renditions of several buildings from, or inspired by, Shroud of the Avatar!
Shroud of the Avatar Release 5 is almost upon us!