Category: Random

Random Wednesdays

Irrational Games As gorgeous and intriguing as the Burial at Sea DLC for BioShock Infinite looks, the execution of it seems to be somewhat lacking. Not that it’s bad, exactly…it just seems to disappoint...

This Works For Remembrance Day Too

I always struggle when trying to think up something to say when reflecting on Remembrance Day. Not having served in the military, and having been born into a family that has remained mostly untouched...

Larian Saturdays…And More

So I missed posting a Wednesday update this week, and as such I’m lumping in the content from Wednesday with the weekend Larian Studios content. Because there really isn’t much to report from Larian...

Resignation Letter

Resignation Letter

I resigned from my job a few days ago. Here’s most of the text of the letter I submitted to my team, informing them of my pending departure: November 22nd, 2013, will be my...

Extra Life This Weekend

Extra Life kicks off tomorrow, and goes for a full 25 hours thanks to the time change. I won’t be playing that straight through, but I will be getting in some Ultima 7 over the weekend, and into next week. There’s still time to donate!