Byte-Sized Virtue S07E02 – Do You Even Virtue, Bro?
Before we talk about the intrinsic unity that should tie all virtues together, we should probably discuss what it means to have virtues.
Before we talk about the intrinsic unity that should tie all virtues together, we should probably discuss what it means to have virtues.
When you go against one of the Eight Virtues, how do you make yourself right with that Virtue again?
A bit of comparison between the NPCs of Ultima 6 and those of Ultima 7.
We set the grandest plans for ourselves, in our pride. And we are humbled when these fall through.
A key point of Lenten penances is to give up things that are good…and to welcome with joy the fruitfulness that resuts.
With the dawn of another Advent season, let’s take a look at the Virtue of Humility.
Another season of Byte-Sized Virtue draws to a close.
Is it enough to simply reject shame, and being shamed, to follow the path of Honor? Or is there more we should be mindful of?
What can we come to know about Honor, as a virtue, by looking at its negation?