Check Out Stirring Dragon Games’ Website
Stirring Dragon is working on a game, and aims to release it next Christmas.
Stirring Dragon is working on a game, and aims to release it next Christmas.
Gone are the days when we could play games at whim, for what duration pleased us. How, as gamers, do we deal with changes in the gaming industry?
The printed versions of the board games that my Beaver Scouts designed arrived last Friday.
Gone are the days when we could play games at whim, for what duration pleased us. How, as gamers, do we deal with getting older and having less time for our passtime?
Stories in RPGs…what makes them good, and are they even necessary?
What starts as a discussion about story and gameplay mechanics morphs into discussion of the depiction of violence in video games, and how violence might end up being depicted in VR.
Paradox Interactive has revealed Obsidian Entertainment’s upcoming RPG: Tyranny.
In which we get a look at some gorgeous gameplay footage from Night Dive Studios upcoming HD remake of the original System Shock.
Via a YouTube video, we get a look at progress that has been made on Lawless Legends since it first came to light in 2013.
That time that three guys from BioWare helped Withstand the Fury Dragon’s Beaver Scout troops design their own board games.