Ananias Roguelike: Steam Release in 12 Days
According to a tweet from Slashing Dragon, Ananias will be going up for sale on Steam in just under two weeks.
According to a tweet from Slashing Dragon, Ananias will be going up for sale on Steam in just under two weeks.
Let’s talk about game bosses. The memorable ones, the hard ones, the dumb ones…and maybe even the absent ones.
IronOak Games will be adding a bunch of new things — including an entire second act of its story — to For The King in an upcoming update.
Brian Heins, the game director for Obsidian Entertainment’s newly-released Tyranny, previously worked on Ultima X: Odyssey.
Let’s talk about game bosses. The memorable ones, the hard ones, the dumb ones…and maybe even the absent ones.
Why yes, GOG have kicked off yet another sale. Because of course they have.
If you’ve been wondering how to redeem your key for the The Exiled alpha test, here’s how.
Fairytale Distillery have given the Ultima Codex a batch of keys for the upcoming alpha test of The Exiled.
GOG have launched their Black Friday sale, because the sale earlier this month wasn’t enough of an assault on your wallet.
Gallara Dragon joins us to discuss the latest news about the Ultima Dragons 25th anniversary bash. And then a bunch of us disucss random things.