Category: Gaming

Beamdog Asked EA About HD Ultima Remakes

Beamdog, who are currently working on a HD remake of Baldur’s Gate, apparently approached EA about remaking the Ultima games. And they’d also be interested in working on an update to Icewind Dale.

Do RPGs Require a Foozle?

Rowan Kaiser, writing at the Escapist, examines the small number of significant games that eschewed the typical RPG formula of presenting the character with a final boss or villain to fight.

GamesRadar’s Tabula Rasa Articles

I don’t know whether it was a glitch or intentional, but a couple of days ago I noticed that several articles from 2006 and 2007 had crept in to the GamesRader RSS feed.

Wing Commander 4 Released on

After far too long a wait, has released the fourth game in the Wing Commander series; Wing Commander 4: The Price of Freedom is available for the steal-of-a-deal price of $5.99 right now!

Epic Mickey 2: Coming to PC

There is a rumour that Warren Spector’s Epic Mickey 2 may be coming to PC, and that a rather absurdly large number of people are working on making it happen.