Richard Garriott is Selling Castleton
Richard Garriott is selling his property on the shores of Lake Austin.
Richard Garriott is selling his property on the shores of Lake Austin.
Goldenflame Dragon has made available the script for the play – a compressed story of the Ultima series – that he wrote for the Ultima Dragons 25th Anniversary Bash.
Richard Garriott discusses the difficulty Origin Systems had when pitching the concept of Ultima Online to EA.
Starbreeze Studios has agreed to publish System Shock 3, and has invested $12 million into the development thereof.
Warren Spector shares a story from Ultima 6, the “magical” moment he was sold on the power of immersive gameplay.
Slashing Dragon has released a new version of Ananias, after attending both GDC and the Ultima Dragons 25th Anniversary Bash.
Richard Garriott has officially joined the UDIC, taking for himself the name Splut Dragon.
Matt Barton continues his interview with David “Dr. Cat” Shapiro, and we learn how much Ultima 9 cost to make.
Denis Loubet teases us with a piece of concept art for an isometric, tile-based Ultima…possibly the earliest version of Ultima 9.
The Big Box PC Game Collectors interview Denis Loubet about his art and the effort required to create it.