Category: Site News

Wasteland 2 Kickstarter Page Goes Live

Wasteland 2 Kickstarter Page Goes Live

Following in the wake of Double Fine’s awesome crowdfunding success, inXile Entertainment has finally got around to setting up the Kickstarter campaign for Wasteland 2, their proposed sequel to the grandfather of all post-apocalyptic RPGs!

Pax Britannia! (Updated!)

Pax Britannia! (Updated!)

Andrew Owen is working on a tile-based Ultima fan-game set between Ultima 3 and Ultima 4. He has given it the title “Pax Britannia”.

BioWare Mondays

BioWare Mondays

The weekly round-up of news about BioWare, their various sub-studios, and the various RPG titles and series that they have produced or are working on.

Bethesda Thursdays

Bethesda Thursdays

The weekly round-up of news related to Bethesda Softworks and their excellent RPG series, The Elder Scrolls.

Big Huge Wednesdays

Big Huge Wednesdays

The weekly round-up of news related to 38 Studios/Big Huge Games and their upcoming open-world RPG, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.