Trip Hawkins Is In Some Pretty Hot Water
Electronic Arts and Digital Chocolate founder (and former EA CEO) Trip Hawkins allegedly owes about $20 million in federal and state back taxes. And he’s not having any luck getting off easy, either.
Electronic Arts and Digital Chocolate founder (and former EA CEO) Trip Hawkins allegedly owes about $20 million in federal and state back taxes. And he’s not having any luck getting off easy, either.
Scythifuge’s project to remake Savage Empire using the Exult/Ultima 7 engine, which has been dormant for several months, has recently seen news posted demonstrating progress made on graphical asset developments!
xu4’s most recent snapshots for Windows and Mac OS X have added support for the new VGA2 tileset for Ultima 4.
Spoony’s long-awaited review of Ultima Underworld, Parts 1 and 2, is finally online.
Ultima creator Richard Garriott will be the opening keynote speech for the 2011 LOGIN Conference, discussing the “new era of gaming” that is the modern era of “cheap or free-to-play, virally spread, casual…gameplay.”
The latest two “awesome screens” from Beautiful Britannia/Forgotten World show off new water textures developed by Firstknight. And as a bonus, he also re-worked the grass texture again.