Category: Site News

Announcing: The Ultima Codex

The Ultima Codex, is the next phase in Ultima fandom online. I will no longer be posting news updates to this website. However, this site will remain online for the foreseeable future, both for reasons of posterity and as the home for the various project, utility, and patch downloads that were its beginning and which form its core. In time, these too will be moved over to The Ultima Codex, though it’s likely you’ll find them here for a long time to come as well.

What is the Ultima Codex?

The Ultima Codex is a collaboration between several members of the Ultima and Ultima Online fan communities: a single online space where fans from both sides of the legacy of Origin Systems’ amazing RPG series can come to find content that is of interest to them.

I Need Volunteers

I Need Volunteers

If you’d like to help me test something out, be one of the first ten registered users to comment on this post.