Category: Site News

Ultima covers

Ultima covers

Here’s some news to cheer you up after the previous post about EA. Someone by the (nick)name of Hexxxer contacted me to let me know of a project he’s involved in to produce high...

EA to purchase BioWare

EA to purchase BioWare

While my friend Myles assures me, via his contacts within BioWare, that this is a good thing, I for one look upon the pending purchase of BioWare/Pandemic by Electronic Arts as a death-knell for...

Letters, oh, we get letters!

Letters, oh, we get letters!

One of the great things about running this site is how the community members often jump in and try to help out by providing bits of news, or by spotlighting new discoveries they’ve made...

Back from the Jamboree

Back from the Jamboree

And what an experience it was! By some miracle, I managed to keep meticulous notes about each and every day of the experience, and so in the coming few days I’ll be converting my...

Going away for a bit

Going away for a bit

As of July 23rd, and until August 11th, I will be in Hylands Park and London, both in England, attending the 21st World Scouts Jamboree. If any of Aiera’s readers will also be in...