Forgotten World screenshots
In a move that warms this shutterbug’s heart, Firstknight has gone back and re-shot about 20 screenshots for Forgotten World/Beautiful Britannia in which “the fog has been lifted.” That is: he’s taken advantage of...
In a move that warms this shutterbug’s heart, Firstknight has gone back and re-shot about 20 screenshots for Forgotten World/Beautiful Britannia in which “the fog has been lifted.” That is: he’s taken advantage of...
I just got word from Tim Carlsen: version 0.7.0 of the Ultima-inspired adventure game engine, Nazghul, has been released. Do check the project website for details and downloads for Windows and Linux. Haxima, the...
RT @ghpels: Richard Garriott has a haunted house at his estate this year: # Powered by Twitter Tools
I’m a bit late in posting this, but from Firstknight comes yet more good news about progress being made with the Ultima 9 engine over at Forgotten World/Beautiful Britannia: I’ve finally found a working...
Well, that’s it. Yahoo!’s Geocities website-hosting service is, as of today, officially closed. With it closes at least a dozen Ultima website, including some project websites listed here at Aiera. I haven’t gone through...
RT @WLSpaceNewsFeed: Garriott videos: BNSC now has a YouTube channel featuring a number of videos made by RG # RT @mmorpg_links: General Discussion : The Pub at MMORPG.COM : Richard Garriott sues NCSoft...
Reader galway brought to my attention another YouTube-based effort to play through an Ultima game. Or, in this case, an Ultima remake: Ultima V: Lazarus. Ladies and Luke, I give you: Let’s Play Ultima...
Firstknight has posted a couple of updates to the Forgotten World website, including an update to the project information for Beautiful Britannia, and some news about the completion of a “general upgrade” to the...
RT @austinshakes: Join us Halloween @ Richard Garriott's (Elizabethan replica) Curtain Theatre for "Spooky Shakespeare" # RT @Amarna3: New details on Warren Spector's Epic Mickey: submitted by BJ_Blazkowicz [link] [comment] # RT...
From Aletys: It is with much pleasure that we announce the release of Team Archon’s next milestone of the Ultima 6 Project, Milestone 7 (M7) for Dungeon Siege 1 (PC and Mac). This is...