The CRPG Addict Is Playing Through Ultima Underworld
The CRPG Addict kicked off a playthrough of Ultima Underworld last month.
The CRPG Addict kicked off a playthrough of Ultima Underworld last month.
We set the grandest plans for ourselves, in our pride. And we are humbled when these fall through.
This is something of a mystery episode, but the discussion at least starts out focusing on board games, and attempts to adapt Ultima as one.
The Ultima Online team have rolled out Publish 99 to the Test Center shard, and have launched new forums for the game.
The Dightal Antiquarian turns his attention back to Origin Systems, and the first time they ever re-used a game engine.
A key point of Lenten penances is to give up things that are good…and to welcome with joy the fruitfulness that resuts.
K.G. Orphanides has published a long interview with Joe Garrity, he of Origin Museum fame, on Rock, Paper, Shotgun.
Rumours have been circulating that Microsoft might be looking at buying up EA. Or Valve. Or the PUBG developers.
As its projected launch approaches, Portalarium are busily tuning Shroud of the Avatar’s systems and difficulty.
A long-time UO player, now a freeshard guildmaster, reflects on her experiences playing the game in different forms.