Author: WtF Dragon

Richard Garriott and Chris Roberts on Twitter!

Richard Garriott and Chris Roberts on Twitter!

From WCNews, via a reader email: the creators of, respectively, Ultima and Wing Commander, Richard Garriott and Chris Roberts, are now on Twitter! Roberts hasn’t posted much, but Garriott is getting into the swing...

Request from a reader! (Updated!)

Request from a reader! (Updated!)

I got this email about a week ago, and have been lax in posting it to the site here for community input. Do you know where I might find technical information about how the...

Lazarus downloads work again

Lazarus downloads work again

Almost a section unto itself, the downloads for Ultima V: Lazarus are working again, so check thou them out! The rest of the Ultima 5 downloads will hopefully be uploaded soon.

Ultima 4 downloads work again

Ultima 4 downloads work again

I’ve been a busy little beaver, and have manged to get the Ultima 4 downloads working again in addition to the Ultima 3 downloads that were repaired earlier this week. Go me. Anyhow, good...

Ultima 3 downloads work again

Ultima 3 downloads work again

Well, after my Friday fretting, I managed to rally a little bit and get the downloads for Ultima 3 working again. Which, I must say, was no small task, given how disorganized the relevant...

Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa

Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa

Download updates have stalled, as I’m sure most have noticed. Ideally, I’ll get things back on track next week, but the plain facts of the matter are that a) life is busy, and b)...

Video card woes

Video card woes

So I have a conundrum. Suspecting that the source of my Windows computer’s instability might be the existing video card (a Radeon 9600 XT), I went and picked up a Sapphire Radeon HD 3850...

U6 Project Bug correction

U6 Project Bug correction

From the project website: It’s been brought to our attention that there is a bug present in the M6 Milestone that makes the game unplayable at a certain point in the plot. We have...