U3.5 Pax Britannia Character Generator Beta Released
Andrew Owen has released a beta version of the character generator for U3.5: Pax Britannia on the Ultima Dragons Facebook group.
Andrew Owen has released a beta version of the character generator for U3.5: Pax Britannia on the Ultima Dragons Facebook group.
The Digital Antiquarian sets out to dispel some of the myths and legends surrounding Ultima: Escape from Mount Drash.
Neverwinter gets a lot of attention this week. And we even hear a peep from Warhorse Studios, who have been fairly quiet in recent months.
Warren Spector has been busy over the last week or so, and not just because he accepted a teaching position with the University of Texas’ game design programme.
Because I spent yesterday re-arranging my garage in an effort to eliminate potential mouse breeding grounds. And then spent the evening posting everything I should have posted on Friday. Don’t ask about Friday.
It would appear that the fix for errors related to Ultima 7’s “earthquake” effect in DOSBox also corrects another issue.
I’ve moved the Ultima Online GM (and Counselor Programme) Guide from Old Aiera to The Origin Gallery.
The Digital Antiquarian has continued his chronicle of the history of Ultima with a look at the founding of Origin Systems.
The next Dragonsmeet will take place this Wednesday, the 13th of May.