Star Citizen: $26 Million Reached; New Stretch Goal Announced
Star Citizen has reached yet another crowdfunding milestone: $26 million…and a new stretch goal has been announced.
Star Citizen has reached yet another crowdfunding milestone: $26 million…and a new stretch goal has been announced.
The fourth and final Shroud of the Avatar-themed Unity Scene Jam hosted by Portalarium is on now!
The email that just went out from the Extra Life Team deserves to be widely publicized, because it’s concerns a rather vile act.
Extra Life kicks off tomorrow, and goes for a full 25 hours thanks to the time change. I won’t be playing that straight through, but I will be getting in some Ultima 7 over the weekend, and into next week. There’s still time to donate!
The Titans of Ether have placed development of Ultima IX: Redemption “on hold” for the time being.
Mythic are holding another weekend promotion in Ultima Forever; chests will (when unlocked with gold keys) grant only Epic Weapons until Monday afternoon.
The Ultima Online dev team show off their Halloween costumes.
The men of Portalarium ditched their facial hair today, live on camera, to kick off their Movember campaign.
Chris Roberts’ crowdfunding machine is seemingly unstoppable; Star Citizen reached the $25 million milestone last week, and is now poised to reach $26 million.
Portalarium, via IGN, have released a Richard Garriott-narrated video demonstrating how Shroud of the Avatar looks after six months of development.