Author: WtF Dragon
Wallpaper for the Week
Pillars of Eternity launches this week…so have another dragon courtesy of this piece at Niche Gamer. Or a drake; I guess this one is a drake. Yeah.
Check Out Richard Garriott Showing Off Britannia Manor (And Possibly Rapping) on MTV’s Cribs
Richard Garriott and Britannia Manor were featured on an episode of MTV’s Cribs back in 2007.
Crowfall: $1.3 Million Raised; Pack Pig Stretch Goal Adjusted
Crowfall’s ongoing Kickstarter campaign has reached $1.3 million, meaning another stretch goal has been unlocked.
Underworld Ascendant: Backer Survey Imminent; Lizardman Vote Redux
OtherSide Entertainment will be sending out backer surveys for Underworld Ascendant next week.
Help Pick Denis Loubet’s Next Ultima-Themed Art Project
Denis Loubet wants to draw more Ultima and Wing Commander-themed art. Help him decide!
Crowfall: Eternal Kingdoms FAQ
ArtCraft Entertainment have published new information about how Eternal Kingdoms (player realms) will work in Crowfall.
Crowfall: 13,000 Backers; VR Stretch Goal Announced
Crowfall now has 13,000 backers on Kickstarter; to celebrate, ArtCraft Entertainment have announced VR support as a stretch goal.
Spam Spam Spam Humbug: Get The Ultima Codex Podcast via iTunes (Updated!)
Spam Spam Spam Humbug, the Ultima Codex’s podcast, is now available on the iTunes Store.
The Dig, LOOM, and More LucasArts Classics Released on GOG
GOG have, as of this morning, added a bunch more LucasArts games to their catalogue, including The Dig and LOOM. Just thought you all might want to know.