Three Days Left: Back “Ma Vie en Rouge” on Kickstarter

I missed reporting on this with the Kickstarter campaign went live almost a month ago, but it’s worth mentioning it even so; the campaign is in its final days, and anything to push the total amount up still yet further can’t be anything but a help, right?
If you haven’t heard of Fiona Schultz, you may know her by her Dragon Name instead: Sorceress Dragon has been a fixture of the UDIC community for a long time. And she’s currently hosting a campaign on Kickstarter to raise funds for the development of a new, somewhat Ultima-inspired roguelike game called Ma Vie en Rouge.
Introducing Ma Vie En Rogue, a new retro-style game designed for today’s gamer! From the creator of the VR Dragon Flight game showcased at the Ultima Dragons 25th Anniversary Bash comes an exciting dungeon-crawler experience. If you’ve ever wondered what a Rogue-like is like, or are a seasoned dungeon delver, this game is for you!
This one-of-a-kind dungeoneering experience brings you the game so many of us wish we had when we were younger. Improving on the original Rogue model, Ma Vie En Rogue is enjoyable for old and new players alike. Gameplay is exciting, addictive, and most importantly, fun. You’ll never know what lurks around the next corner!
As has become something of a standard for these sorts of indie game projects, Ma Vie en Rouge promises an old-school roguelike experience with a set of modern features as well: players will be able to toggle between first-person and third-person views, the procedurally-generated game worlds will be themeable, character creation and inventory will feature a paperdoll view, and the difficulty level will be adjustable. This being a retro roguelike, however, you can also expect to find hand-drawn pixel art, an optional permadeath difficulty mode, a chiptune soundtrack, and even an optional scanline visual overlay.
If you’re interested in backing the game — assuming you haven’t yet done so — you would do well to head on over to Kickstarter and get your last-minute pledge in; the campaign closes in three days (as of the time this article gets published). If you’re the sort who still enjoys accumulating physical collectibles, the $79 USD tier includes a physical copy of the game, manuals and maps, a few other feelies…and a very fetching metal lunchbox to hold it all.