“The Dark Unknown”: Ongoing Playthrough & Bug Fixes

It has, unfortunately, been yet another hot minute since I’ve looked in on Goldenflame Dragon’s ongoing efforts to develop a homage to the Ultima series, i.e. the retro RPG The Dark Unknown. To be fair, the project went a bit dormant earlier on in the year, as Goldenflame’s attentions were diverted to real life matters. He did post a bit of news in May to announce that he had completed playing through Act 1 of the game’s story, and that his plans for an in-game quest log NPC had shifted somewhat; the NPC will henceforth be more of a hint system than a quest log.
Since late June, after coming through some medical issues, he has continued his playthrough of the game, fixing bugs as he goes. As of mid-July, he was about 8 hours into the game’s story – and roughly halfway through Act 2 – and has continued playing and fixing bugs since then…including a couple of notable bugs with a spell called “Peer View” that creates gorgeous-looking views of the game world, like so:

Most recently, Goldenflame has completed implementing in-game maps, fixed still yet more bugs, and has added a sextant to the game.
As always, if you want up to the minute news about the development of The Dark Unknown, you’d do well to follow its page on Facebook.
I very much look forward to this game!