“Corven – Path of Redemption”: Schedule Change

Corv has posted yet another update to the Corven – Path of Redemption Kickstarter page, in which he discusses the project schedule and concludes that his initial estimates may have been a bit off:
The initial goal was to be done by the end of the year, but that obviously did not happen. I worked relentless on the game, no vacations, nothing, but still I am far from done. I was too optimistic.
After all the experience I gathered over the last 2 years I reevaluated the time it will take me to be done. It will be by the end of 2024. There is no sugar coating it, this is just how it is. I don’t want to string you along month by month, I want to be honest.
There is no problem in development, everything is going as smoothly as is can. Of course there are problems which get me stuck from time to time, I wrote about some of them here, but nothing major. I am not trying to make excuses I am just being realistic. If anyone is really disappointed by that then I am truly sorry! I want to do it right and not rush the second half of development.
Some might say I should just get more people to work on it but I very intentionally did not do that and won’t do that. Working on something without payment is something I can not force anyone to do. If someone like that decides to leave I can not stop them and then half-done work by that person needs to be picked up by someone else, most likely me, and by experience I can say that is sometimes worse than if I would have done it by myself from the start.
Again, there is no problem, no project or private issue, no other excuse other than that I am working on it and am not fast enough. Nothing changed, just the time-frame.
The development timeline Corv initially proposed for the project — given its scope — did always seem a bit overly optimistic, so it’s probably for the best that he’s decided to give himself a larger time buffer.