“Ultima V Redux”: Dungeons Finally Being Worked On

Brad Hannah has posted an update on the development of Ultima V Redux — his Unity-based 3D remake of Ultima 5 — to the Ultima Dragons Facebook Group. (Evidently, he’s decided to get off of Twitter, which was his typical channel for posting these sorts of progress notes in between updates to the project’s website.)
I wanted to share that as of tonight, I am FINALLY starting work on plotting out the Dungeons. I have been putting this off for years, but am finally ready. I am going to actually start with a traditional top down view before I get to the pseudo 3D dungeons you all know and love.
I also thought I would share a fresh screen capture of the new top down view with a rotating lighthouse light! Also another cool one with the new “perspective” mode which is a hybrid of the isometric I have been working on, and the new top down classic mode I have been working on.
You can get a glimpse of the “perspective mode” mentioned above in the screenshot at the top of this post. And if you want to follow the project in what places it is still being publicized, you can check out its website (linked above), its YouTube channel, and (now) the UDIC presence on Facebook.