“Corven – Path of Redemption”: Script Development and World-Building Ongoing

Corv has posted another update to the Corven – Path of Redemption Kickstarter page, detailing recent work that he’s done on the game:
What am I doing? Putting my head down and working like crazy. That’s really the essence of it. Being annoyed with scripts not working like they should. Getting a huge part of a quest done in no time but then getting stuck for days on a detail that just won’t work, making my head hurt to a point where I am convinced that I have either lost all sense of logic or the script turned evil and is slowly trying to drive me into insanity on purpose.
I am constantly world building as well of course. By the way, I am doing parts of foliage auto-generated with parameters I set before of course, but I go over every part of it and adjust manually what I don’t like. I can honestly say that no part of this world is not either completely or partially designed manually. Nothing is just left up to chance.
Who among us — who have dabbled with one game editor or another — cannot relate to this?
Sometimes I go too far and catch myself doing it. I obsess over the placement of a bush or rock and have to shake myself out of it and realize that when playing no one will truly care if this or that object is an inch further to the left or right.
You can click on through to the update to see yet another backer portrait that has been converted to NPC artwork. Whoever Corv has doing these portraits for him has serious talent!