Fox Cunning Is Working On a Remaster of the NES Port of “Ultima 1”

Fox Cunning — whose other works include Ultima: Exodus Remastered and a port of Akalabeth that I’ve yet to create a project entry for — has been working on another Ultima remaster since (at least) late 2021. This time, it’s the NES port of Ultima 1 that’s getting a facelift.

Akalaupdate: This might not be a new project after all, but rather a resumption of work on Exodus Remastered…which, despite being a port of Ultima 3, is apparently sometimes referred to as Ultima 1: Exodus in the Nintendo community. It should also be noted that there never was a port of Ultima 1 for the NES…and yet Fox’s own Twitter bio states that he’s working on remastered versions of “Ultima I and V”.

Most of Fox’s development updates appear to be delivered via Twitter, apart from the progress video at the top of this article (which was also released in late 2021). As you can see in the tweets below, he’s been working on a few different systems within the game, as well as on improving the sprites and in-game graphics.

For the time being, it doesn’t appear that there are any downloads available for this project on Fox’s profiles at either GitHub or ROMhacking. As such, the best way to follow his work on the project is probably his Twitter profile; no doubt download links will be posted there at some point once the remaster is release-ready.

The First Age of Update: Unless this is actually work that is being done on Exodus Remastered. That, you can definitely find through Fox’s profile at ROMhacking.

1 Response

  1. Robbie says:

    >Ultima 3, is apparently sometimes referred to as Ultima 1: Exodus in the Nintendo community
