“The Ultima 6 Remake”: We’re Alive

The Ultima 6 Remake is one of those projects that quietly gets worked on behind the scenes, but only rarely has any sort of public indication that it continues to thrive. Happily, however, there’s a new update on the project’s Facebook page today, which brings news of both a forthcoming release and the possibility of a new project to follow:
We’re alive! Real life got in the way but I have been working on the project sporadically as I had time. Pending a few test playthroughs to make sure everything is working alright, we should actually be releasing something soon as we’re ready to move onto a new Ultima mod project that won’t take more than a decade this time! The goal is to get a playable version released that can be fixed / added to as needed and people can still play it. I’ve been trying to do some of the minor dungeons too, they aren’t carbon copies of their u6 original counterparts but same idea. I finished up with the Swamp Cave yesterday so there might be one left maybe, but I can’t remember. Ideally, we still need some portraits revamped. I’d like a uniform Serpent’s Isle -style portrait for all the npcs and I have been doing some by hand but it takes too long. If you’re good at that, let us know.. I’ll gladly advertise your website / artistic services here and on the website. As far as a time frame goes… I’m determined to get something out before the end of the year if not sooner because I want to free myself up to work on something else. Until next time, which hopefully won’t be as long!
So, if you’ve got some talent at making portrait art, do consider getting in touch with the project team; they’d be happy to have your help. If they can get this mod out the door — for those of you who are hearing about it for the first time, it’s a mod for Exult that aims to remake the entirety of Ultima 6 in Ultima 7’s engine — they might well have something else Ultima-related to work on.