A Christmas Gift for Ultima Fans…the “Ultimore: Egypt” Disk Image

The Ultimore series was a set of expansions for Ultima 3, which were created by Joel Fenton in 1984 and 1985. Fenton reverse-engineered the Ultima 3’s file formats and, using this knowledge, produced the Ultimore add-ons as alternate “Side 2” game diskettes which included new towns and quests. This was achieved without modifying the original game data, so the Ultimore games could be played alongside Ultima 3, and Ultima 3 could still be played to completion as normal.
Five such scenarios were produced: A Divided World, Pirate World, Spaceship Crash, Egypt, and Rule Of The Slave Lords. Most of these are, for now, lost to time; Pix found a copy of A Divided World and blogged about playing through it a few years ago, but until now that’s as much as we’ve known.
Until now, that is. Because this week, a copy of the Egypt disk image was made available by Tobias Hübner (@medienistik) as a Christmas present to the Ultima fandom! You can grab a copy of it from his website, or from the newly-created project entry for the Ultimore games here at the Codex.
And for more information on the series, check out the relevant page at the Codex of Ultima Wisdom.