The CRPG Addict: Ultima 7 Finished, Rating Still Pending

The CRPG Addict has finished his playthrough of Ultima 7, having sunk over 70 hours in total into the game. However, it’s not the sort of ending one might have hoped for; it seems that he grew rather impatient with the game by the end:
Oh, young readers, I would like you to imagine the party riding the ferry on the way back to the mainland. Imagine that they are all smiles and happiness, reveling in their triumph over the darkness that had infested Skara Brae. Imagine that they ask a few pointed questions of the ferryman, who reveals that his enchantment is such that he may only escort the Avatar and the Avatar’s companions, which explains why neither Lord British nor any other Britannian in the last 200 years attempted to free the island of its torments. Imagine, still, that upon arriving in Britain, Lord British falls on his knees before the Avatar, thanking him for ending this travesty, this centuries-old affront to the very ideals on which Britannia once stood, this wrong grave enough that its righting would be the entire plot of a lesser game. Imagine further that Lord British is convinced by the Avatar’s evidence of the Fellowship’s treachery, of the Guardian’s threat, and vows to stir himself from his torpor and make himself worthy of the mantle of king again. Imagine that Lord British, the Avatar, and his worthy companions, working together, manage to end the threat and restore virtue to Britannia. Imagine such, and end your reading here. Close your browser. Move on to the next game, and pretend that all is right in Britannia forevermore.
It goes rather poorly thereafter, but in a darkly comical sort of way. Well worth a read, if you’ve ever been tempted to just forget all of Britannia’s troubles at the end of the game and stroll merrily into the waiting Black Gate.
You…did know that Ultima 7 has two possible endings, right?
At any rate, the Addict hasn’t yet posted his rating of The Black Gate, although I imagine that will hit his site within a day or so.