Changes Are Afoot

Apologies if the site or any of its subdomains are at all a bit wonky over the next few days.
I’ve been putting off migrating the Codex to using HTTPS for far too long, and I’ve begun making the transition this week. This has been going smoothly enough, with few errors, but it is also slow going; the hosting provider doesn’t issue us wildcard/EV certificates, so SSL has to be enabled per-subdomain, rather than globally for the entire Codex at once.
That’s fine; it’s given me another opportunity to visit each subdomain, and like as not it’s best if I am present on each subdomain as SSL is enabled so that I can watch for mixed content errors. But along the way, I’ve been auditing plugins and other things behind the scenes, and…well…some of those have needed modifications as well, if not outright removal. It is, in other words, something of a rabbit hole.

I don’t anticipate any major issues. But equally, I may end up tripping some setting or disabling some feature – temporarily or otherwise – as I go, and that might make some unanticipated thing work differently…or not work at all. Apologies, in advance, if that happens.
But in the meantime, enjoy the HTTPS.