Corven – Path of Redemption: Relaunched Kickstarter Campaign Now Live!

Lycantic have relaunched the Kickstarter campaign to crowdfund further development on Corven – Path of Redemption, their Ultima-inspired, Unity-based RPG. For those just becoming aware of this project, which grew out of the cancelled Ultima IX: Redemption fan project, Corven is:
……a story-driven, open world, single player RPG inspired by our favorite RPGs from the 1980s and 1990s, especially Richard Garriott’s Ultima series.
We miss Ultima and its design philosophy and so we set out to create something similar.
Corven will let you explore an interactive open world full of secrets and surprises. Maybe even more important than that, Corven will deliver an engaging story with many interesting NPCs.
Our goal is to make you want to know “what happens next?” in the main quest. Or in side quests for example “why is the, married, mayor of this town sneaking over to this other woman’s house almost every night?
Lycantic has adjusted the campaign’s goal somewhat: whereas the first crowdfunding campaign had a goal of $45,000 USD, this time around they are looking to raise $20,000 USD. For that sum, they can commit to delivering the base story of the game and most of the planned world. The first stretch goal, at $30,000 USD, will allow Lycantic to complete the world of Corven, and to implement additional side quests therein.
The minimum spend to get a copy of Corven as a “thank you” for backing it is $30 USD; that will net you a digital copy of the game and a mention in the credits. Rewards increase from there — digital copies of the soundtrack, in-game items and scenery objects, etc. — and physical, boxed copies of the game (cloth map included!) are available for pledges of at least $85 USD.
As of this writing — and keep in mind that the campaign went live just a few hours ago — Corven has raised $11,174 USD toward its goal, or just a bit over 50%. That’s a much stronger start than the previous campaign, so hopefully Lycantic will see success in reaching their goal this time!
There’s also a new version of the Corven demo available; click on over to the Kickstarter campaign page to find the download link!