Check Out “Legend of Dragons”, an Ultima-Inspired Card Game, on Kickstarter

I missed posting about this when its Kickstarter campaign first launched, but A.J. Bruner — some of you may know him as Prismatic Dragon; he’s also been involved with the UO-The Expanse freeshard — has been attempting to crowdfund publication of an Ultima-inspired card game that he has developed: Legend of Dragons.
Legends Of Dragons, the Card Game
For players of card games such as Magic the Gathering(tm), Yu-Gi-Oh!(tm), or Hearthstone(tm), many of the fundamentals will be familiar. Likewise for those with experience in role-playing games, but the adjustable complexity helps players to learn the game in stages regardless of prior background.
- Regions – Most games will include the conquering concept, with areas on the world map that must be captured and held to receive benefits and are needed in order to win the game. These are referred to as Regions and Locations.
- Fast Duels – Similar to the card game “War(tm)”, but in this case the Dragon/Elf/Human with the highest attack power wins the Round, unless their opponent has a higher defensive number, in which case their opponent wins the Round. The player winning the most Rounds is the overall winner.
- Teams – Create teams of even players. Each team must work together to either: conquer the Regions, or, if playing Fast Duels, win the most Rounds.
- Multiplayer – Regions, Fast Duels, and Teams can all be included in a multiplayer* setting.
*(This means the numbers of players can be increased by adding another deck of cards. Note: Fast Duels can apply to a Regions game too!)
There are three decks available: Dragons, Elves, and Humans. A deck consists of 50 cards made up of two types – Dragon, Elf, or Human cards (depending on the deck being used) & Action cards and they share the same layout and general design. The decks operate the same, only the art and text has been changed to match that species. Dragons, Elves, and Humans each have ten members of that species, all with varying Attack & Defense values (see prototype images at bottom of page). The colors represent the different species of Dragons (which is what the rainbow gradient is about), Elves and Humans borders were created to match the same color scheme. This way no matter which deck was being used, you could more easily identify similar cards across the three decks (see prototype images at bottom of page).
- #1 – Border: This area helps identify the type of card and also the color it represents.
- #2 – Artwork: This is where Indi Martin’s artwork will be housed, along with various artwork by A. J.
- #3 – Attack & Defense: These numbers are used during combat. Attack is the Left number and Defense is the Right number.
- #4 – Text/Quote: The verbiage found here impacts gameplay. Most Action cards contain a quote for fun.
The minimum spend to receive a copy of the game is $10 USD; that will net you your choice of one of the three decks mentioned above. Bumping your pledge to $25 USD will get you the entire game, and $30 USD will see a hardcover version of the Legend of Dragons book come your way. At present, the campaign has raised just $590 USD; its ultimate goal is $23,600 USD. There are, as of this writing, nineteen days remaining in the campaign.