The Dark Unknown: Testing a City

It will not surprise returning readers to learn that Goldenflame Dragon has, per the norm, been diligently working on Chronicles of Ellesus: The Dark Unknown, over the course of the last month. After wrapping up creating NPC schedules for all of the NPCs players will encounter in the game’s first act, he set about working on additional NPC dialogue (and some worldbuilding), which in turn led to the decision to turn an NPC into the seller of a couple spells (this in addition to being the trainer for a particular skill).
Additional dialogue work followed, to the point that all NPCs in one location — the city(?) of Consolation — were completed; in short order, the challenge necessary to enter Consolation was also fully implemented. Goldenflame then spent a bit of time testing the city and its NPCs, before moving on to creating new graphics for a cave that will be added to the game in the future.
Testing of Consolation is now nearly complete, and Goldenflame has even managed to squash a few more bugs along the way. For up-to-the-moment information about his ongoing progress on The Dark Unknown, you’d of course do well to follow the project on Facebook; why not head there now?